Friday, July 31, 2009


Sarah Palin is writing poetry on her Twitter. At least she found her calling.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Who is more of a fraud - President Obama or Alex Rodriguez?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Health Care

We don't need health care reform. We need the gov't. to stay out as much as possible. Give health care an incentive to lower its own costs in the private sector.

Friday, July 24, 2009


It's Friday, time to go outside and enjoy the good weather because winter will be back and it will be a bitter one with mountains of snow, cold, and discontent.

Summer does not last long enough and winter last too long. Where's global warming? Algore makes millions off this hoax. Why?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


One more week of summer school. Then a week wait and then a two week vacation. WOOHOO!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Health Care Reform?

Obama wants to nationalize health care. This is the mess he wants to create

Why do we need this change?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Defict hits $1 trillion

Budget deficit for the fiscal year has gone over $1 trillion for the first time, biggest deficit ever and we still have 2.5 months to go. By September 31, the Obama Adminstration predicts a $1.84 trillion deficit. I bet it goes even higher.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fat and Lazy

Rome had Bread and Circuses, America has toast and DVDs. What the difference?

Monday, July 6, 2009


As a lot of people are aware, Sarah Palin will resign her position as governor of Alaska later this month. This was a surprising move. It's surprising that she is not running for re-election. It is also surprising that she has not announced her future plans or ambition. The 2010 election cycle is coming up and the Senate seat in Alaska, currently held by Lisa Murkowski, is up for grabs.

Personally, I am not a fan of Sarah Palin. She comes off as slightly dumb and ignorant of the world beyond Alaska. Statements like seeing Russia from her house makes her an expert on foreign policy, that incident where he gives an interview in front of a turkey killing machine, and the infighting between her and the McCain campaign staff makes one question the depth of her intelligence.

However, Palin is a better role model than David Letterman, a bitter old man trying to boost his ratings. Letterman has dropped from being a smart, funny guy to being a mean old s.o.b.

Palin's future within the Republican Party and national politics will be an interesting thing to watch in the next couple of years. If she runs in 2012, everybody will be going after her on both sides of the political divide. It will be fun to view it from a distance.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Al Franken and the doom of the country

This week, Al Franken was certified the winner of the Minnesota senate election. The Democrats have obtained the mythical 60-vote majority to kill any Republican filibuster.

The Democrats own the House, a filibuster-proof Senate, and the White House. It doesn't matter what happens to the Republicans. They are powerless to stop anything Obama wants.

The Democratic agenda: socialized medicine and health care, higher taxes, bigger and deeper deficits, a worsening recession, cap and trade that will cripple the economy and do nothing to combat global warming/climate change, losing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and handing over our sovereignty to the United Nations. The problem is, there is no checks and balances to counter any of this agenda.