Friday, November 20, 2009


Remember Y2K? The year that the world was supposed to come to an end? I remember that New Year, watching fireworks go off and watching the television on the celebrations going around the world without suffering a major glitch.

Now we have another end-of-the world scenario coming up in 2012, when the Mayans predicted that either the world will end or some catastrophe will occur. Films such as 2012 are making huge money on this fear.

So, what is the event that wipes us out? Floods? Earthquake? Hurricanes? Tsunamis? Or a combination of everything, including fairies?

We have been here before. Many people from Nostradamus to Al Gore have predicted that either we must change our way of life in order to prevent disaster or we are destined to be hit with a disaster no matter what we do. They are all a bunch of snake oil salesmen who are trying to persuade the public that the world is about to end in order to push a product or a public policy.

We have more pressing matters to worry about than the 2012 hoax. The economy has not recovered, people are losing their jobs, Congress is considering bills that are over 2000 pages long and full of bureaucratic waste, a budget deficit of over $1 trillion, and a government that does not serve the people.

I am more worried about the government rolling back our rights via the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009” (cap and trade), or the “Affordable Health Care for America Act” (the health care bill that just passed the House). People must stand up against this attempt to take over many of the basic functions of American life.

My prediction: the world will end in 2012 if Barack Obama is re-elected as President of the United States. It has as much of a chance to occur as the Mayan prediction of the events of 2012.