arth Day has come and gone for another year. It's one of those days you wonder why people take this day seriously. It's not a federal holiday and its purpose to clean up the planet is a joke.
Earth Day was created by a Wisconsin Senator, Gaylord Nelson, who was concerned about the planet. In 1970, the concept of Earth Day became official. Every April 22, we hear about how people are trashing the planet. Al Gore makes another bucket of cash while wasting a lot of energy in his home and using gas-guzzling jets to tour the world.

If people were really concerned about the Earth, they would clean it up on their own initiative. Creating a day of awareness and then scare people about environment doom and gloom gets us nowhere. In an economic recession, cutting our carbon emission will result in less jobs, stagnant economy, and a loss of money.
President Bush was called evil and cold-hearted for not implementing the Kyoto Protocols. However, it made sense to not sign it because our economy would suffer from limiting our production due to limits on emission, China and India were exempted, and the standards were unreasonable. No wonder the Senate voted unanimously in 1997 to tell President Clinton to not be a signatory to Kyoto. It was a good decision for Bush to not ratify Kyoto and we should be grateful.
We should get rid of Earth Day, Arbor Day, and any other holiday that is a worthless gesture for environmentalism.