Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin has campaigned in South Dakota as the person able to stand up occassionally against her party when South Dakota values collide with Democratic interests. However, her profile on the Washington Post states that her voting record is 96.6% with her fellow Democrats.
Herseth, who is a Co-Chair of the Blue Dog Democrats, has become a lapdog for Pelosi. Herseth has supprted the Stimulus Bill, the Union Card-Check bill, and Obama's massive budget.
In these votes, that Blue Dog don't hunt.
Herseth-Sandlin is not blue enough. She a middle of the road Democrat. 96.6% is a far-cry from many of the Democrats in the House who are near 100%
Herseth-Sandlin does have a record of voting left during the issues and the bills in the House. She is only doing that because she knows that if she doesn't, then the big House bosses like Peosi can use their might to not give Sandlin any money for her reelection in 2010 I believe. Its a hard life for South Dakota's only House member in Congress and she has to do the dirty work everyday even though she doesn't want to stay in the game. Besides, no one else gives a rat ass about South Dakota because we have a small voice in the House and big states like Cal, Texas and New York run the show and makes rules that benefit thier states only.
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